Get fit, Stay fit

Get fit, stay fit at Holland SportsThe Holland Sports Get Fit Club (HSGFC) is run by a dedicated set of enthusiastic volunteers who wish to encourage more of our community to be more active, more often.
We want to inspire adults to regularly participate in aerobic activity and strength exercise several times every week; either on their own, with their family or groups of friends, or to join us in free training sessions.
The club is driven by our experienced and qualified coaches, following a suitable range of guidance such as NHS “Live Well” to support our community as they progress from couch to fitness.So please join us and let’s all GET FIT together.
Our Classes
Our services are FREE – we just want you to be more active, more often.
So come join us for any of the following sessions:
Monday 7th January onwards at 2pm:
+60s session
Monday 7th January onwards at 7.30pm:
Commuter session
Friday 11th January onwards at 2pm:
Get Active session
Please Note: All members must complete our “Medical Information and Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire” and “Contact Form” before participating in a club training session.
Please hand in your completed forms to one of our coaches or email them to